Module 6 Lab: Data Classification
Module 6 was another very informative lab. The requirement was not too intense, but understanding the material required thorough study of the textbook chapters and lecture. We were instructed to make two maps of seniors (people over age 65) in Miami-Dade County, FL using four different classification methods: Equal Interval, Quantile, Standard Deviation, and Natural Break. One map used the percentage of seniors by census tract and the other used the total number of seniors by census tract. Since I knew that the color ramp would need to be changed for standard deviation and because one of the "good example" maps I chose in the first module used this approach, I decided to use different colors for each classification method. In my opinion, this added an additional level of clarity to the map, without taking away from its purpose. The four classification methods I used are defined below. For each, I'll start out with a description in my own words from my process summary...