
Showing posts from December, 2017

Final Project - Week 13 Lab

This lab was our final project and took a total of three weeks to complete. While it was appropriately the most difficult and time consuming lab, I realized how much more effectively I could complete the required tasks vs. the earlier weeks, even though those labs required much less input. The lab was separated into four objectives and I decided to complete what I assumed was the most difficult portion first; objective 3. This section required downloading datasets from FGDL, which in previous labs has proven to be tedious at times. This case was no exception. I found data on both the number of daycares in Florida and the number of public and private schools in Florida, but when I opened the files on ArcGIS, I realized that the school shape file was in the form of polygons instead of points. However, I was able to obtain the required information from this polygon file so I left it as it was.  Another interesting interpretation I had with this objective was putting buffers ...